Backtrack4 Metasploit

IT/Linux 2010. 6. 7. 16:40

BackTrack includes the Metasploit Framework, but not always the latest version. To install the latest version of Metasploit in BackTrack:

$ sudo bash
# cd /pentest/svn
# rm -rf framework3
# svn co framework3

In order to use the raw socket modules, the pcaprub extension must be installed:

# cd /pentest/svn/framework3/external/pcaprub
# ruby extconf.rb
# make && make install

In order to use the WiFi modues, the lorcon2 extension must be installed:

# cd /pentest/svn
# svn co lorcon2
# cd lorcon2
# ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install
# cd /pentest/svn/framework3/external/ruby-lorcon2
# ruby extconf.rb
# make && make install

Once a fresh Subversion snapshot has been installed, it can be updated with the following command:

# svn update /pentest/svn/framework3/


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